April 2024 Newsletter

Providing Solutions to Serve the Savior

Faithful Life Ministries continues to move forward with your prayer and financial support! We can't thank you enough for the encouragement you continue to give us. Your uplifting support is deeply appreciated and needed!
UPDATE to last month's article seen below. The project has raised over $25,000. There is still time for you to get in on the blessings these bibles will have for new converts & believers. __________
We have been asked to produce a brand-new Creole Bible from The Carpenter's Project. It will contain Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament. The hardcover Bible will be about 700 pages long, measuring 5.5 x 8.5 inches. The ministry will print 3,000 copies and distribute them through an airplane outreach ministry, delivering about 500 per trip. Their initial goal is to send them to churches in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Haitian-populated areas in the United States, such as Indianapolis, IN. In time, they may be flown into Chili.
The printing and shipping costs for the project will be over $25,000. They are trying to raise support to assist them with the project. I am asking you to pray about helping them. If you give a love gift through us, they will receive every penny toward this project. Please pray about this; they need financial help. You can send checks in the care of Faithful Life, 3335 Galaxy Way, North Fort Myers, FL 33903. On the memo line, write in CREOLE BIBLES. Make check payable to Faithful Life.

Do you know this Board Member?
Mr. Nick Macenas is one of our most encouraging Board Members. He and his wife, Linda, are two of our most faithful prayer warriors. Here is a brief autobiography of their lives.
My wife, Linda, and I began attending Winkler Road Baptist Church in 2002. Our first Sunday visiting and hearing Pastor Donald Strange, answered our search for a home church. After attending approximately a year, we were asked to teach the Sunday school children.
For a number of years, those that comprised my class were the 3rd and 4th grade boys. Covid-19 had an unfortunate effect on our overall church attendance. Children, grades 1 through 6, were combined for Sunday school. Our classes are now geared to a fairly smaller group of children.
Linda and I made a commitment to teach children God's Word and His truth. Our passion to teach the children continues to this day. My weekly preparation for Sunday's class is enjoyable. Linda assists with teaching the children Scripture songs that prepare them for instruction in the Word.
My wife and I love reading and studying the Word of God. We have been married for 42 years, and most of those years we have taught Sunday school together or individually for different grades.
It is an honor to be asked to be a prayer partner and supporter of Faithful Life ministries. Faithful life truly is an appropriate name for both Jim and Una Wendorf. Their lives are a walking testimony as to God's power in using lives that have fully surrendered to His service. They are a valuable conduit for spreading the Gospel nationally and worldwide. Praise God!
Do you need Solutions to Serve the Savior? Our solutions are just a phone call away: 888.720.0950. We would love to help you with your needs.
Lord bless, my friends ... He always does!!!
March Reviews
• Printing projects (29) for churches/ministries and (03) individuals/businesses. (Orders came in from Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina).
- Churches/ministries: 34,602 miscellaneous pieces.
- Little Messages / CMS Quality tracts printed = 28,200 pieces.
- Individuals/businesses: 500 pieces.
• Every Door Direct Mail, mailed in Florida = 2,500 postcards
• Direct mailing pieces = 000 pieces
Click here to read about the donations we made to ...
We are humbled and honored to provide Church Ministry Solutions that bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
As mentioned above, we are dedicating our time to designing a brand new Creole Bible that Faithful Life Publishers will publish.
... those who needed help with their graphic arts programs, especially Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. We can also assist with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint programs. By the way, we only use PC programs in our work. This is a monthly occurrence.
... every person with a printing project. We critique each job and always look for ways we can improve their print projects. If we find an issue, we will correct the customer's print project rather than return it (if possible). We make sure each print job is the right size (if the print goes to the edge, we make sure they added .125 inches, making a 4 x 6 job, 4.125 x 6.125) for bleed; move text when it is too close to the edge; and we change files if they were not submitted as RGB, instead of CMYK. The list of technical help goes on to ensure that each customer receives the best print job possible. We invest much time and effort into this and don't charge extra. Why? Because it is part of our ministry.
... any church or person that needs new tracts or Little Messages. We will place their contact information on them without charge.
... previous customers who need changes made to their last print job. We provide those changes for free.
Ministry Highlights
Faithful Life Publishers • Church Ministry Solutions • PRINT THIS FOR ME
Our published books can be found, purchased, printed, and shipped in 62 countries. Brick-and-mortar bookstores throughout the United States and Great Britain can display our titles on their bookshelves.
We continue to have monthly book sales throughout the United States, Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, Italy, Poland, and Spain.
In March, we added TWO new FAITHFUL LIFE PUBLISHERS paperback titles. We also provided THREE book designs for Jay Adams.
- The Memoir of a Country Preacher by Lloyd L. Streeter lives in Greenville, SC. The book measures 6 x 9 inches and is 204 pages long.
- Like an Elephant, All Big Things Start Small: A Book of Hope was written by Melodee Spardy from Hastings, Nebraska. It measures 5.5 x 8.5 inches and has 32 full-color pages.
- Jay E. Adams, three titles designed by Faithful Life Publishers.

The Memoir of a Country Preacher
This is the story of how a “farm kid” was brought by God from the lowest to the highest. It is the story of his background, parentage, relatives, acquaintances, friends, schooling, teachers, jobs, activities, ministries, churches, businesses, and nuclear family. It is the story of his struggles with poverty and his overcoming of those struggles by God’s grace. It is the story of his hopes and dreams. It is the story of the influence of many people and things he loves, a few things he hates, and some things he is completely ambivalent about.
Lloyd Streeter says, “I am what I am. Perhaps some people will not like what I am. But I am deeply grateful for the people who have loved me, been patient with me, and helped me along life’s pathway. I have received more kindness from people than I deserve.”
Streeter writes about the people, places, experiences, and circumstances that have impacted his life on these pages. He mentions many people he knows, many kids from his school days at Oscoda, many in his pastorates, and many preachers.

Like an Elephant, All Big Things Start Small
A Book of Hope
This booklet is meant for young children (Littles) who are having a rough time. It is a unique book about hope, child advocacy, addictions, recovery, adoption, and CASA. The author, Melodee Spady, is thirteen years old.
Like an Elephant, All Things Start Small, a Book of Hope offers a simple message to help children in crisis understand that their circumstances do not define them. The book provides a message of hope and healing to children and advocates who are dealing with addicted and incarcerated parents. Like an Elephant, All Things Start Small, a Book of Hope was inspired by the Author's personal experience as a small child living in a dysfunctional home and the road to recovery -- because where there is love, there is hope.
A young elephant named Little navigates through the ups and downs of parents with addictions. The story is intended for any Big (Guardians-Advocates) to help children express their fears and identify any unsafe individuals. Through the joy of meeting the Lion of Judah, Little realized HE is a friend Who is always loving and caring. Little looks for the rainbow every day. Little learns that circumstances are not what defines the future, and being a good elephant who studies helps future opportunities to grow into a Big with many dreams.
The book is dedicated to the Staff and Volunteers at CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) #ChangeAChildsStory.

Jay E. Adams Titles
• Coping with Counseling Crises
• The Big Umbrella, Volume One in the Essays on Biblical Counseling. There will be several more in the series.
• The Use of Scripture in Counseling

This new website continues to take better shape.
CLICK to read about CHURCH MINISTRY SOLUTIONS price drops.
We have been recognized as one of the leading printers in the field. The company that handles most of our printing has lowered our prices for the rest of this year.
We always encourage those who need printing to shop around. We usually beat the competition in price and delivery time. This recognition will improve our prices even more. If our quote is higher for a project, we will do our best to beat the competitor's price.
Depending on when an order is placed (time of day), we can print and deliver projects anywhere in the country within just a day or two. This makes us one of the states' most economical and fastest Christian printers.
We show the previous month's print review and a synopsis of the Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM service each month. Our website allows churches to reach their communities for Christ. Perhaps you noticed above, we helped a church reach over 2,500 homes for Christ in Florida. How long would it take to reach this many families if you went door-to-door in your community?
The beauty behind our service is that we make the process as easy as possible for those who use it. We take all of the painstaking USPS work out of your hands. We bundle the mailing, fill out all of the paperwork, distribute the mailing to your post office, and pay them. All this by the date that you want them to be delivered.
- No mailing list is required. Use our interactive mapping tool to help your ministry choose what area to saturate through USPS routes.
- Choose the date that is best for you. The site provides a calendar to easily plan when to place your mailing in your neighbor's mailbox.
- Endless marketing possibilities. Choose from our diverse selection of postcard sizes and finishing options.
- Full-service solution. With EDDM Full-Service, ordering online is quick and simple. We save you time and effort – believe me, if you did the whole process yourself, you would find it a pain.
FUTURE EVENTS that you may want to promote with a mailing! Mother's Day, Graduation service, Father's Day, or your next community event to reach the lost. How can we help you?
We gladly print tracts with your church information on them. We don't charge extra to do this. Be sure to visit the Church Ministry Solutions website to see over 100 tracts and Solutions to Serve the Savior that might be a blessing to your church.
Each tract uses a HOOK to spark interest (Hope, Peace, God Really Loves You, Decision 2024, etc.). We want the reader to LOOK and comprehend the message of the BOOK. Our prayer is that the reader TOOK the message to heart.
DONATE to CMS and RECEIVE Free Little Message tracts with your name on them or the ministry of your choice.
• $20 gift: We will send you 2) 50 packs of your choice.
• A $50 contribution will receive 5) 50-packs of your choosing.
• A $100 donation will receive 1,000 tracts of your choosing.

You will find over 100 original tracts you may use in your outreach ministry, plus more!
Need help with printing? Click here.
You can always contact me personally by email or phone if you need help with your printing project: jimwendorf@hotmail.com • (239) 292.7834
When a church, ministry, or person orders new tracts or Little Messages, we include their contact information on them without charge. This helps to keep the overall cost of tracts down considerably. Many times, we design all of our printed items for free if we are going to print them for churches or ministries.
If you are a skilled graphic designer, you can save money by uploading your project directly to our website, Print This For Me.

After your project is designed, our website will process your order at a reduced rate.

Donations and Prayer
We are going to remove the other ministries that we have highlighted in the past. They are still worthy ministries to support, but many of you have commented that this newsletter was too lengthy.
Donations and Prayer
We sense there will be a large need in the days ahead as we strive to do more printing for ministries in need. We really could use your financial help.

We provide two different donation platforms.
Use the blue bar below to donate through the Better World platform. Or, if you prefer to use a more popular platform, you can click here to donate through PAYPAL. Both platforms are secure.
Thank You
Received our prayer and business cards today. Thank you for catching our mistake on the business card and for the prompt work….a blessing. Buddy from Sea Hope
New authors wrote:
Jim, you truly have been the best gift God gave us through this process.
Thank you so much! Tears are flowing; it looks great!
Thank you for letting us send our newsletter to you. I trust this issue informed you of our ever-expanding ministry and that you will better appreciate what we are trying to do for the Lord, churches, Christian ministries, and you.
We would appreciate your thoughts on improving our Solutions to Serve the Savior and the Faithful Life Ministries newsletter!

Pray for our Board Members; they are such a blessing to us!
- Allen Griffith, Biblical Family Ministries, Downingtown, PA
- Nick Macenas, Trustee, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Don Strange, Pastor Emeritus, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Robert Sutton, Pastor, Southwood Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL
- Paul Vineyard, Director, Yedidim of Israel, San Antonio, TX
- Jim Wendorf, Founder, CEO, Faithful Life Ministries
- Una Wendorf, Financial Oversight, Faithful Life Ministries
Their primary responsibilities are to pray, advise, and recommend this ministry to others as the Lord leads. I appreciate these members and highly regard our united purpose of serving the Lord.
Did you enjoy this newsletter? Forward to a friend, sharing is caring!
Anything else? Hit reply to send us feedback or to say hello. We count on your response to know how we are doing in your mind.