February 2024 Newsletter

Providing Solutions to Serve the Savior

Life can take us down so many roads. Recently, I was asked to consider pastoring a church. The pastor, who is getting ready to retire, has known us for almost two decades. When the word gets out, he knows there will be several men who will want to submit their names to be considered for the position. I can understand how he wants to hand-pick his replacement with the Lord's guidance.
After praying about this pastor's request to "fill his shoes," Una and I didn't sense that the Lord would want us to do this. We are always open to His leading, but this won't be a path that we will be taking. We are praying for that ministry, for just the right man to step into those shoes as their new pastor.
Personally, I never considered pastoring a church. Assist a pastor? Yes, I have served as an assistant for close to twenty-five years with several different pastors. During those early years of ministry, I served four years as the Executive Director of a Christian school that a local church didn't own. Actually, it was affiliated with fourteen local churches. Imagine, if you will, having fourteen pastors telling you how you should run the ministry every day for four years. I loved it! Because it drew me closer to the Lord!!!
This pastor's request to pastor his church did prove to be beneficial to us. Humbly, it helped confirm and strengthen our desire to move forward with this ministry. No, we are not looking to do something else. I look at it this way: we are His servants. Currently, we are available to assist thousands of pastors, ministry leaders, and Christians all over the world at a moment's notice. I love it – because it draws us closer to the Lord! Solutions to Serve the Savior are just a phone call away: 888.720.0950.
Winkler Road Baptist Church acknowledged our ministry a few years ago and has sent us out as one of their missionaries. Numerous churches support us as missionaries. We stand firm on the Word of God and seek to please Him. Our heart for the last forty-six years of ministry has been and will continue to be ... We Choose to Serve Him (Joshua 24:15).
We continue to move forward with your prayer and financial support! We can't thank you enough for the encouragement you continue to give us. Your uplifting support is deeply appreciated and needed!
FOLLOWING is a portion of last month's newsletter.
Why? Because the following tract has a powerful message!
What lies ahead for us in 2024? A lot of signs say it will be a year of fake claims and promises. We live in times of volatility! Volatility means the coming year is "liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse." Many decisions will be cast, which could bring destruction. Other decisions could change lives in a positive way that will bring honor and glory to the Lord.
We are blessed to know the Lord as our Savior. Years ago, we made decisions that continue to provide direction for us today. People around you need to hear about the importance of making wise decisions. What part will you and your church have in helping people make the right decision for Christ in 2024? Maybe this tract will help, Decision 2024!

Decision 2024
Below is a link to our website where you can see the inside of this tract. This tract could change America for Christ, one person at a time.
Each of our tracts has a HOOK. We want the reader to LOOK and comprehend the message of the BOOK. Our prayer is that the reader TOOK the message to heart.
Solutions to Serve the Savior are just a phone call away: 888.720.0950.
Lord bless, my friends ... He always does!!!
January Reviews
• Printing projects for (12) churches/ministries and (02) individuals/businesses. (Orders came in from Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana, and Pennsylvania).
- Churches/ministries: 31,720 miscellaneous pieces.
- Little Messages / CMS Quality tracts printed = 16,500 pieces.
- Individuals/businesses: 2,000 pieces.
• Every Door Direct Mail = 000 pieces
• Direct mailing pieces = 000 pieces
Click here to read about the donations we made to ...
We are humbled and honored to provide these Church Ministry Solutions to bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
... those who needed help with their graphic arts programs, especially Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. We can also assist with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint programs. By the way, we only use PC programs in our work. This is a monthly occurrence.
... every person with a printing project. We critique each job and always look for ways we can improve their print projects. If we find an issue, we will correct the customer's print project rather than return it (if possible). We make sure each print job is the right size (if the print goes to the edge, we make sure they added .125 inches, making a 4 x 6 job, 4.125 x 6.125) for bleed; move text when it is too close to the edge; and we change files if they were not submitted as RGB, instead of CMYK. The list of technical help goes on to ensure that each customer receives the best print job possible. We invest much time and effort into this and don't charge extra. Why? Because it is part of our ministry.
... any church or person that needs new tracts or Little Messages. We will place their contact information on them without charge.
... previous customers who need changes made to their last print job. We provide those changes for free.
Ministry Highlights
Faithful Life Publishers • Church Ministry Solutions • PRINT THIS FOR ME
Our published books can be found, purchased, printed, and shipped in 62 countries. Brick-and-mortar bookstores throughout Great Britain can now display our titles on their bookshelves.
We continue to have monthly book sales throughout the United States, Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, Italy, Poland, and Spain.
In January, we added FOUR new FAITHFUL LIFE PUBLISHERS paperback titles and one eBook.
- But God — A Life Lived with Purpose is the memoir of missionary David De Jong, who devoted his life to building God’s kingdom. It is 6 x 9 inches and 200 pages long. The book has over twenty b/w historical image pages throughout the text. An eBook is also available for this title through our website link.
- A Christian: Knowing the Christ to Follow the Christ was written by Scott Moreland from Lima, Ohio. It is 460 pages long, has 80 chapters, and 3,000+ biblical footnotes. It is well worth your consideration.
- En Los Postreros Días, written by Michael McCubbins. His church and seminary are in Arleta, California. The book about the end times is written in Spanish. It measures 6 x 9 inches and has 548 pages.
- Eternal Security: Can a Saved Person Lose Their Salvation? was written by Jimmie Keasling, who lives in Florida. You can order the full-color book from the author (his phone number is in the book description below). 8.5 x 11 inches, 32 pages long.

But God — A Life Lived with Purpose
But God — A Life Lived with Purpose is the memoir of David De Jong, who devoted his life to building God’s kingdom with his hands, with his heart for others, and through preaching and teaching the gospel. David received the call of God on his life as a teenager, resulting in an unwavering faith and focus on serving the Lord.
Many young people after the Second World War were called as missionaries to foreign lands to sacrifice the comforts and promise of a safe life at home to follow God and carry His message to difficult countries and people. David enthusiastically heeded that call. In his youth, He was uniquely prepared for a ministry of worldwide building projects spanning over eight decades.
David shares his memories of a life lived on purpose and of God’s faithfulness, no matter the obstacles. He gives us stories of God’s intervention in seemingly impossible situations to fulfill His purpose, detailing those “But God” moments of joy, adventure, humor, challenge, loss, grief, miraculous provisions, and protection. He faithfully preached while completing innumerable construction projects for 17 years in South Africa, raised a family there during apartheid, and tells of the tragic loss of his young son. David recounts the founding of an international ministry after returning to the States and, later, the loss of his first dear wife to a long, cruel disease. David’s life was too full to retire. He enjoyed his sons and their families, fell in love again, married, and served together at home and in Africa until the very end. His journey shines as an example of commitment and perseverance in the furtherance of the gospel and how God can use a life yielded to Him.

A Christian
Knowing the Christ to Follow the Christ
No one of the Lord Jesus Christ’s generation comprehended the fullness of what was happening right in front of their eyes. His coming, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension were not grasped. So that all men could understand, God recorded the events of Christ’s life in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. He then provided the apostles to write the Epistles to look back on those Gospel records and explain what the life of Christ meant and how it applies to us today. There are one hundred and ninety-four verses in the Epistles that reference Christ’s ministry in the Gospels, out of which eighty chapters have been developed.
Many subjects are addressed, including Christ the decision-maker, putting to death the sin nature, removing the veil of spiritual ignorance, the purpose of trials, His ministry as the High Priest, suffering injustices patiently, living in the will of God, the mature pastor, hidden wisdom, the blueprint for marriage, being conformed to the image of Christ, Christ’s role as mediator between God and men, the strength of weakness, the confident life, destroying the works of the Devil, fellowship with the heavenly Father, breaking sinful habits, Christ’s shepherding work inside of us, continued living on the cutting edge of faith, maintaining clarity in the confusion, the preexistent Christ and His preexisting plans, developing heavenly affections, Christ’s lordship of our brethren, supernatural empowerment for obedience, with Christ in the ages to come, the Cross separates us from the world, Christ’s curse and blessing, law and grace, and our glorified body.
We must know the Christ in order to follow the Christ. May God bless you as you discover the greatness of the Christ and become a faithful, following Christian!

En Los Postreros Días
Vivimos en una época en la que estamos presenciando el cumplimiento de las profecías bíblicas. Usted necesita saber lo que Dios ha revelado acerca de este tiempo. El Pastor Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito bíblico muy conocido, cuidadosamente saca a la luz muchas profecías tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento. En los Postreros Días analiza las profecías bíblicas sobre los últimos tiempos y también explica la importancia de Israel y los imperios gentiles, que han buscado destruir a Israel. En II Timoteo 3:1, Pablo escribió: “También debes saber esto: que en los postreros días vendrán tiempos peligrosos”.
Con este libro aprenderá:
• Los siete juicios futuros
• La diferencia entre la Bestia, el Anticristo y la Ramera
• El orden exacto de los eventos futuros
• El momento del rapto
• La formación de la Novia de Cristo
La historia está repleta de sectas falsas arraigadas en errores relacionados con eventos proféticos futuros. Este libro le ayudará a medida que estudia las profecías en cuanto al futuro.

Eternal Security: Can a Saved Person Lose Their Salvation?
8.5 x 11 inches, 32 pages long, full-color throughout.
To order this book, you can call the author at - 813-843-1567

This new website continues to take better shape.
CLICK to read about CHURCH MINISTRY SOLUTIONS price drops.
We were notified that starting in February, some of our paper products will be reduced in price. Over the last year or so, prices have gone up. We did not always raise our prices to compensate for the loss of funds. Why? In order to keep us competitive. This decrease will help us recover some of our losses from the last few months.
MORE NEWS: Since we print so much, we are going to be raised to the highest printing status, which will lower our prices even more. This comes from the company that does most of our printing. This new status level will take place on February 1st.
We always encourage those who need printing to shop around. We usually beat the competition in price and delivery time. If our quote is higher for a project, we will do our best to beat the competitor's price.
WELL, THERE IS MORE GREAT NEWS: Depending on when an order is placed (time of day), we might be able to print and deliver projects within just a couple of days. This makes us one of the most economical and fastest printers in the states.
Do you have great plans for your church family in 2024? Let people know about it.
Use this unique tract to invite people to your church throughout the year. Everyone needs a 2024 pocket calendar in their possession! This is the back of the Little Message tract that you saw above when you started reading this newsletter.

Join us in 2024.
The back (shown above) of the card has the calendar for 2024, along with an invitation to visit your ministry during the year. There is also room for your church's theme.
We gladly print tracts with your church information on them. We don't charge extra to do this. Be sure to visit the Church Ministry Solutions website to see over 100 tracts and Solutions to Serve the Savior that might be a blessing to your church.
DONATE to CMS and RECEIVE Free Little Message tracts with your name on them or the ministry of your choice.
• $20 gift: We will send you 2) 50 packs of your choice.
• A $50 contribution will receive 5) 50-packs of your choosing.
• A $100 donation will receive 1,000 tracts of your choosing.

You will find over 100 original tracts you may use in your outreach ministry, plus more!
Always be mindful of special days and holidays that may emphasize a reason for passing out tracts and Little Messages. Our Little Messages address most calendar events and are available on our website.
Just a note ... Easter is on March 31st this year.
Need help with printing? Click here.
You can always contact me personally by email or phone if you need help with your printing project: jimwendorf@hotmail.com • (239) 292.7834
When a church, ministry, or person orders new tracts or Little Messages, we include their contact information on them without charge. This helps to keep the overall cost of tracts down considerably. Many times, we design all of our printed items for free if we are going to print them for churches or ministries.
If you are a skilled graphic designer, you can save money by uploading your project directly to our website, Print This For Me.

After your project is designed, our website will process your order at a reduced rate.

Donations and Prayer
We are going to remove the other ministries that we have highlighted in the past. They are still worthy ministries to support, but many of you have commented that this newsletter was too lengthy.
Donations and Prayer
We sense there will be a large need in the days ahead as we strive to do more printing for ministries in need. We really could use your financial help.

We provide two different donation platforms.
Use the blue bar below to donate through the Better World platform. Or, if you prefer to use a more popular platform, you can click here to donate through PAYPAL. Both platforms are secure.
CLICK to read about other ministry PRAYER REQUESTS.
These ministries continue to need printing. Please pray for them and consider a love gift so that we may be able to assist them more.
• Sea Hope to the Caribbean.
• The Amazon Riverboat ministry.
• Missionary Beca Pape -- below is her last newsletter. She has her SUPPORT and the VISA paperwork that she needed. Next stop, Brazil.
BECA PAPE: Second-Generation Missionary

Thank You
Received our prayer and business cards today. Thank you for catching the our mistake on the business card and for the prompt work….a blessing. Buddy from Sea Hope
A new author wrote:
Jim, you truly have been the best gift God gave us through this process.
Thank you for letting us send you our newsletter. I trust this issue informed you of our ever-expanding ministry and that you will better appreciate what we are trying to do for the Lord, churches, Christian ministries, and you.
We would appreciate your thoughts on improving our Solutions to Serve the Savior and the Faithful Life Ministries newsletter!

Pray for our Board Members; they are such a blessing to us!
- Allen Griffith, Biblical Family Ministries, Downingtown, PA
- Nick Macenas, Trustee, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Don Strange, Pastor Emeritus, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Robert Sutton, Pastor, Southwood Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL
- Paul Vineyard, Director, Yedidim of Israel, San Antonio, TX
- Jim Wendorf, Founder, CEO, Faithful Life Ministries
- Una Wendorf, Financial Oversight, Faithful Life Ministries
Their primary responsibilities are to pray, advise, and recommend this ministry to others as the Lord leads. I appreciate these members and highly regard our united purpose of serving the Lord.
Did you enjoy this newsletter? Forward to a friend; sharing is caring!
Anything else? Hit reply to send us feedback or just to say hello. We count on your response to know how we are doing in your mind.