October 2023 Newsletter
We continue to move forward ... with your prayer support!! We can't thank you enough for the encouragement you are to us.
Later in the month of October, we are going to spend a couple of weeks away to regenerate our batteries. It is time! Completing fifteen books and everything else accomplished over the last two months has taken its toll. However, have no fear; my laptop will be joining us so that we can maintain ministry orders while we are away.
Another reason we are getting away is because Una and I will be having our Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary on November 2. We have an awesome relationship that the Lord continues to bless!
I will be teaching the auditorium adult Sunday school class at Winkler Road for the first three Sundays of October. {{The first Sunday in October went well, two more to go}}. Prayer for my schedule and stamina would be deeply appreciated.
Solutions to Serve the Savior are just a phone call away, even while we are away. 888.720.0950.
Lord bless, my friends!!!
• Printing projects for (11) churches/ministries and (01) individuals/businesses. (Orders came in from Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
- Churches/ministries: 54,500 miscellaneous pieces.
- Little Messages / CMS Quality tracts printed = 36,500 pieces.
- Individuals/businesses: 2,500 pieces.
- During the month of September, our ministry printed = 93,500 pieces.
• Every Door Direct Mail = 000 pieces
• Direct mailing pieces = 000 pieces
Click here to read about the donations we made to ...
Several hours were donated to Gospel Furthering Fellowship for the development of the booklets they had us print.
We are assisting a church with their order of 5,000 Spanish tracts in Carolina, Puerto Rico. This will carry over into October.
... those who needed help with their graphic arts programs, especially Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. We can also assist with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint programs. By the way, we only use PC programs in our work. This is a monthly occurrence.
... every person with a printing project. We critique each job and always look for ways we can improve their print projects. If we find an issue, we will correct the customer's print project rather than return it (if possible). We make sure each print job is the right size (if the print goes to the edge, we make sure they added .125 inches, making a 4 x 6 job, 4.125 x 6.125) for bleed; move text when it is too close to the edge; and we change files if they were not submitted as RGB, instead of CMYK. The list of technical help goes on to ensure that each customer receives the best print job possible. We invest much time and effort into this and don't charge extra. Why? Because it is part of our ministry.
... any church or person that needs new tracts or Little Messages. We will place their contact information on them without charge.
... previous customers who need changes made to their last print job. We provide those changes for free.
Ministry Highlights
Faithful Life Publishers • Church Ministry Solutions • PRINT THIS FOR ME
Our published books can be found, purchased, printed, and shipped in 62 countries. Countries in Southern Africa opened up last month.
We continue to have book sales monthly throughout the United States, Australia, Italy, India, Germany, and Spain.
In SEPTEMBER we added FIVE new FAITHFUL LIFE PUBLISHERS paperback books, ONE eBook release along with TWO cover designs for other publishers:
- Abraham, A Friend of God, written by Evangelist Danny Jack from Wood Point, NB, Canada. 2023, paperback, 174 pages.
- Two new cover designs for Jay Adams: Counsel from Psalm 119 and What T0 Do When Counseling Fails.
- Note to Self: Make a Meaningful Difference, compiled by Rodney Myers of Myerstown, PA, as a promotional missions tool for Gospel Furthering Fellowship, 2023, paperback, 22 pages.
- En la Dispensación, written by Michael McCubbins in Spanish, from Arleta, California, 2023, paperback, 322 pages.
- Daniel: Siervo del Dios Viviente, written by Michael McCubbins in Spanish, 2023, paperback, 254 pages.
- The Holy Spirit's Ministry to Every Believer, written by Steve Damron, 2023, paperback, 140 pages, and eBook. Brother Damron resides in Dover, Delaware.
Abraham: The Friend of God
Join us in this study of Abraham as he teaches us what it is to live by faith. The story of Abraham covers approximately one-quarter of the book of Genesis and one-third of Hebrews 11. The Word of God teaches us that God called Abraham to live by faith.
The lessons from Abraham's life of faith are key for us today. Like Abraham, God has called each of his children to a life of faith. May we learn much from his life as we journey through this study!
I challenge each of you to pray that God would open your eyes and your understanding as we open the Word of God in this book and journey through the life of the man who is known as the friend of God. May this book help us draw near to our Lord and deepen our faith in Him.
Jay E. Adams: Two new titles
I have been hired to design their covers and prepare most of their book interiors for the last few years. They are available through their website, Institute for Nouthetic Studies | Biblical Counseling
Note to Self: Make a Meaningful Difference
In a world characterized by constant distraction and cognitive dissonance, we often find ourselves delaying to do what is right at the moment that we understand that it is the right thing to do. That is, we don’t strike when the iron is hot.
When I ministered in Tanzania, East Africa, I had many friends who were cattle herders. One such friend was named Danieli the Barabaig. Danieli gave me a bull’s horn one day that was harvested and hewed out to be a “drinking vessel.” On the outside of that vessel is the brand with which all his cattle are branded. He branded all his cattle in the same manner by which he branded that vessel—by applying a rightly shaped iron to the backside of an unsuspecting animal while it was hot.
I trust that this booklet will be the rightly shaped iron that has warmed your heart and made it hot with conviction. But now, you need to strike! You need to make an informed decision that will impact not only your life and your family's life but the lives of those families who have never heard.
En la Dispensación
¿Qué es el Dispensacionalismo? ¿Por qué es importante entender el Dispensacionalismo? ¿Cómo trata Dios con las personas en el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento? ¿Cuáles son las características de las dispensaciones en la Biblia? ¿En qué se diferencian las dispensaciones entre sí y en qué se parecen? Estas son preguntas que un estudiante de la Biblia debe hacer estrictamente.
En este libro, Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D da una explicación muy amena y detallada de las dispensaciones en la Biblia. Explica el significado de las dispensaciones y las características que constituyen a cada una. El Dr. McCubbins también brinda amplias ilustraciones de las Escrituras y describe los parámetros de cada dispensación. Explica adecuadamente cómo cada dispensación tiene un propósito específico, cómo el hombre recibió responsabilidades específicas y cómo el hombre fracasó en cada dispensación. Sin embargo, este estudio trae gozo al corazón del lector cuando se da cuenta de que la gracia y la misericordia de Dios son evidentes en cada dispensación. El valor de un libro como éste es que aumenta la convicción del lector sobre la soberanía y la supervisión de Dios, no solo en el panorama general sino también en los detalles íntimos de nuestras vidas.
Daniel: Siervo del Dios Viviente
Los eruditos modernos dicen que Daniel no escribió el Libro de Daniel durante los reinados de Nabucodonosor, Belsasar, Darío y Ciro, sino siglos después. Afirman que el Libro de Daniel no contiene profecías sobre el futuro sino relatos históricos presentados como revelaciones de Dios. Los ataques de estos eruditos deben ser respondidos porque están atacando la validez de las Escrituras. Daniel, Siervo del Dios Viviente por Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., un erudito bíblico de renombre internacional, explica a fondo los asuntos relacionados con la veracidad del libro.
Daniel era un hombre para su tiempo, el mismo tipo de tiempo que enfrentamos hoy. Dios dice de Daniel: “Y Daniel propuso en su corazón no contaminarse" (Daniel 1:8a). Necesitamos hombres y mujeres como Daniel que se propongan no contaminarse con el mundo.
Con este libro aprenderá:
• Las pruebas de la autenticidad de Daniel
• El carácter de Daniel y sus amigos
• El carácter de los imperios humanos
• El significado y cumplimiento de los sueños y visiones
• La correlación entre Daniel y el Libro de Apocalipsis
Dado que nuestra cultura coincide tan estrechamente con la de los imperios de la época de Daniel, usted debe aprender del ejemplo de fe y obediencia al Dios de Daniel. Este libro lo ayudará a obtener aliento del ejemplo de Daniel para defender la verdad.
The Holy Spirit's Ministry to Every Believer
Examine your life. Is the Holy Spirit filling your life every day? Are you emptying yourself of pride, sin, and weights that pull you down? Are you careful not to grieve or quench Him? Then, believe God's Word! Rest upon God's promise! Live a life of fulfillment, being used by God. I pray that studying the Holy Spirit in this book will stir you to yield to the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and let Him fill every crevice of your life.
Dr. Steve Damron’s book on the Holy Spirit is a well-researched and well-written work on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Every student of God’s Word will profit from reading this book. Dr. Damron has spent decades in the ministry as a fundamental, independent Baptist. His presentation is sound in its theology and easy to read.
-- Dr. David Sorenson, Northstar Baptist Ministries
Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
We can't tell you how much these two verses have come to mean to us. The verses help us to focus properly on the work that God has called us to do. Thanks for your prayer support to assist us in laying up treasures in heaven.
Halloween – A great time to evangelize
October brings one of the greatest opportunities to reach children and families for Christ. Be sure to be a witness this year. Below you will see one of our favorite tracts for this very purpose. You may want to place this tract inside a small bag of goodies. This image shows both the front and back text of the tract. We will be glad to put your church information at the bottom of this tract.
Trick or Treat
Receiving everlasting life is as simple as ABC. ADMIT that you are a sinner. BELIEVE that Jesus is God's Son. CONFESS your sins and ask Jesus into your heart.
We gladly print our tracts with your church information. Be sure to come to Church Ministry Solutions to see all our tracts and Solutions for our Savior.
DONATE to CMS and RECEIVE Free Little Message tracts with your name on them or the ministry of your choice.
• $20 gift, we will send you 2) 50-pack of your choosing.
• A $50 contribution will receive 5) 50-packs of your choosing.
• A $100 donation will receive 1,000 tracts of your choosing.
Always be mindful of special days and holidays that may emphasize a need for passing out tracts and Little Messages. We have Little Messages that will address most calendar events, which you can find on our website.
- October is known as Pastor Appreciation Month. Have you shown your pastor how much you appreciate him lately? You can share your appreciation with him as an individual, family, or church body. Pastors will appreciate a handwritten note with a gift card inside.
- Columbus Day, a federal holiday, is observed on the second Monday in October. It is probably too late to plan for this but wouldn't it be a good idea to have a DISCOVER CHURCH Sunday theme around this date? Try it next year!
- October 31st – Halloween, Trick or Treat – Many churches have a TRUNK'N TREAT activity in their church parking lot. Need some ideas on how to do this? Google, Trunk and Treat. I know that neighborhood families will trust whatever treats are given out by their area church. Along with your treats, pass our tracts and invitations to your church. Don't care for that name? You could change it to something like Fall Festival.
Need help with printing? Click here.
You can always contact me personally by email or phone if you need help with your printing project: jimwendorf@hotmail.com • (239) 292.7834
When a church, ministry, or person orders new tracts or Little Messages, we place their contact information on them without charge. This helps to keep the overall cost of tracts down considerably. Many times, we design all of our printed items for free if we are going to print them for churches or ministries.
If you are a skilled graphic designer, you can save money by uploading your project directly to our website, Print This For Me.
Donations and Prayer
Donations and Prayer
We sense there will be a large need in the days ahead as we strive to do more printing for ministries in need. We really could use your financial help.
We provide two different donation platforms.
Use the blue bar below to donate through the Better World platform. Or, if you prefer to use a more popular platform, you can click here to donate through PAYPAL. Both platforms are secure.
These three ministries continue to need printing from us. Please pray for them and consider a love gift so that we may be able to assist them more.
On Saturday, August 26, our ministry team in Manaus hosted a Baptismal Service. Several who have made decisions for Christ through the Soup Outreach, our Meals for Children ministry, and the Bible & Ball night have been discipled and are ready to take the next step in their faith by being baptized.
This past weekend our team in Santarem set out for the August Convoy of Hope event to the village of Muru Murutuba, where they ministered to about 80 people. Join us in giving thanks for the 16 individuals who prayed to receive Christ as their personal Savior and the many who were helped and encouraged through the team's efforts!
Puerto Rico: We busied ourselves getting SEA HOPE ready for one of our most ambitious trips yet. The trip centered around carrying a 9-person team from Medical Missions Outreach and 11 crew members, six of whom were on their first trip aboard SEA HOPE. In addition, we carried around 17,000 pounds of food, about 2,000 pounds of hospital supplies, and 250 folding chairs. While in port, we also replaced about 20 missing boards on the pier. The medical team saw 815 patients, and 70 salvation decisions were made. We praise the Lord for those who met the Great Physician. As the medical team prepared to depart the ship, MMO Missions Director Robbie Ellis stated, "We started as two different teams but ended up as one serving together for the cause of Christ.” All I can say is Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.
BECA PAPE: Second-Generation Missionary
Beca has reached 77% support this month! It is so exciting watching God move and answer her prayers! She is currently planning on leaving for the field in January of 2024. She was pushing for November, but the timing is looking better for January, and she has decided it would be wiser to wait. Please continue to pray for her as she wraps up her deputation journey!
By the time you read this, Beca will be in Brazil preparing for her departure in January. When she returns, she will spend time in Canada, hoping to raise further financial and prayer support.
I would love to see her financial support needs raised by the end of the year.
Thank You
We just read your August newsletter. WOW! Amazing...just amazing! We just can't imagine all that your ministry is involved with and all that printing influence... it blows my mind. I don't know how you have time to sleep but, praise the Lord for the strength, energy, and finances He gives you for your wonderful ministry. Thanks for sharing and we are certainly praying for you guys. L.B.
Thank you for letting us send our newsletter to you. I trust this issue informed you of our ever-expanding ministry and that you will better appreciate what we are trying to do for the Lord, churches, Christian ministries, and you.
We would appreciate your thoughts on improving our Solutions to Serve the Savior and the Faithful Life Ministries newsletter!
Pray for our Board Members; they are such a blessing to us!
- Allen Griffith, Biblical Family Ministries, Downingtown, PA
- Nick Macenas, Trustee, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Don Strange, Pastor Emeritus, Winkler Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, FL
- Robert Sutton, Pastor, Southwood Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL
- Paul Vineyard, Director, Yedidim of Israel, San Antonio, TX
- Jim Wendorf, Founder, CEO, Faithful Life Ministries
- Una Wendorf, Financial Oversight, Faithful Life Ministries
Our primary responsibilities are to pray, advise, and recommend this ministry to others as the Lord leads. I appreciate these members and highly regard our united purpose of serving the Lord.
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Anything else? Hit reply to send us feedback or say hello. We count on your response to know how we are doing in your mind.